Please pray for us !


I've had a high risk pregnancy and it has been alot just concerning my baby missing work,hospital stays, steroid shots, cervical stitches ect. Then covid hit and things got worst missing more work,not having much support, falling behind on bills. 3months on rent.

I somewhat hit a safe zone and my doctors were comfortable with me resuming my normal routine just paying attention to how I'm feeling. So I get back to working and getting things caught back up.

June 5th I was told if I get my rent caught up before the end of July I would be good to renew my lease. I owed may and June at the time. I paid May. Comes the 29th of june I'm being told the owner is not renewing my lease. So once I'm caught up I will have to find another place to stay. MY SON IS DUE THE END OF JULY/BEGINNING OF AUGUST. I had no intentions of having to move. I was told once I get caught up I can renew my lease. I now have the money to pay all of what I owe June and July but I dont have anything to move with and secure another place before my baby comes. I'm so stressed out. I plan on paying what I owe regardless but after July 31st where will I bring my baby home to ? The agent at the leasing office said she suggest securing a new place and paying my balance later in installments but Its so last minute nothing is available until the end of August or September. And now with me owing it's going to be hard to get approved.

I was going to pay everything and go stay with my mom but she really doesnt have the room. It's a two bedroom and it's her, her husband and my little brother already. Not to mention I go on maternity leave July 25th since they will be removing the cerclage and my baby can come at any point. I'm so stressed and irritated.

This is not how I planned on spending the few weeks before my baby come. Idk what to do !

When I found out I was pregnant I wasnt expecting to hit rock bottom I was excited and not necessarily prepared but I could manage. Now I feel like I've failed as a mother already