Should I have ghosted?


I had a very toxic friendship with a girl, let’s call her Melissa. Melissa would compete with me for everything. I was the lead in a school play and she kept telling everyone that the one reason I was the lead was because I had big boobs and no talent. She couldn’t sing because she was tone deaf, and her family and others told her she could. (Including me but I’m kind of passive and didn’t want to make her feel bad) She made me feel bad for being pretty. Every time I liked someone she would at first say that they were ugly and she didn’t like them but if I talked about starting to talk to them or asking them out, she would all of a sudden think they were super hot. On a school trip, i thought this boy was sooo cute and she got his number (knowing I couldn’t have random boys Numbers) and talking trash about me all night long, and tried to ask him out.😑The biggest thing was when I was completely in love with this boy for 3 1/2 years and he had this long time girlfriend that I was like frenemies with. I know he liked me too (I have real reasons I swear I’m not delusional😂). When I let it slip that I loved him she told me I was ridiculous and stupid for loving him, and then tells me she loves him too. When I was at her house she would ft him and if I talked to him “too long” she would say “oooh you love each other” or if the phone was pointed at me she would put it on an ugly filter. There are a ton more reasons but I don’t want this to be any longer and most of them were about boys but boys were what she cared about most soooo.

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