Friend is depressed and we are trying to help.

Hi there! This is my first post in a while...

My friend who is Male,30...let’s call him Chad? Has had a history of girls ghosting him after months of being in a’s happened about 4 times now. And we are currently worried it’s happening again? It doesn’t help the fact that this one is Long distance over a game he plays called uhm..IMVU? We all want him happy but they’ve been dating for about 3 months now? And I respect long distance relationships and I treat them as regular relationships so thats fine...but she’s not talked to him in about 3 weeks and apparently set all of her stuff to “ other.” And she has from what I understand quit? He’s deeply depressed and our friend group is doing our best to try and comfort him. But I think getting other people’s views of it would help us help him..? Maybe I’m wrong.

We don’t think she’s coming back at all, he spends all of his time with her and spent quite a bit of money on her ...but uhm, with her not being around hes been sleeping a fuck ton, not eating very well and not drinking water at’s mostly been energy drinks that don’t work.

We are trying to explain to him in the best way possible that she’s probably not coming back and that he needs to take a break from this game..we’re all at a stand still and I’m embarrassed I have to ask for help on this..but I’m unsure of how to handle it. We all just want Chad back..has anyone dealt with being ghosted by a partner before? How did you handle it? All of the other girls that ghosted him before her were from in person relationships so this one apparently feels different?..