To all you mommas. First time or second time or whatever

Alexandra • Mom to Charlotte Amelia and Levi Patrick 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Married to my soulmate ❤️

This is my second baby and I never thought I’d have a cry baby but he’s one and this since he was born. I finally accepted the fact that I’m probably borderline pp depression and started taking natural remedies against it(or to prevent it from getting worse). I’m on this app since before my daughter was even born in 2018. I got pregnant a second time and have a second baby now. This app and you all helped me so much during and after my pregnancies. I’ve felt so lonely during the first few weeks with my son, with all this COVID stuff still going on it was so hard on me. But know that you are not alone and the struggle will eventually pass or it will get easier. If you need help please talk to your OB and if it’s meds or therapy you need, than DO IT! Motherhood can be so exhausting, so frustrating and so lonely sometimes. I even started working a few hours a month now just to get out of the house and away from both kids to catch a break and be with adults. Don’t feel sorry for feeling what you feel cause it’s normal and it matters how you feel!

Spreading some love to all you mommas! (All the way from Germany!!) ❤️😊

And don’t forget to practice some self care!!! Get out of the house, alone or with a friend if you can. Get a coffee, go to a store, go sit in your car and turn the music on loud (love it!!) and catch a break for a little bit. It helps a lot!