My boyfriend won’t let me post my bikini pics??


We’ve been dating for almost a year and he’s never said anything about posting myself in my bikini until now. I asked him how come when I send you nice things on Snapchat (privately) you don’t respond? He says to me that I post the same thing on my story and there’s no point and I don’t understand because I sent him something else and posted something different on my story but he deems it as “the same thing” because I’m wearing a bikini. And then it escalated and he told me that he doesn’t think other people should see me like that only he should and that I post provocatively??? And now I kinda feel even more insecure cause he thinks that way idk. It’s taken me so long to feel good in my body and I’m not even all the way there yet. (For personal reasons). What do you guys think ? There were the photos I wanted to post