FWB-Tell me what you think

So 3 months ago I started talking to an old friend again and in the beginning he said he wasn’t ready for a relationship so we decided we would try the whole FWB thing out but he was still a little skeptical on it because he said “feelings get in the way” I told him that I wasn’t really looking for a relationship either and as long as we were both on the same page, feelings shouldn’t get in the way.

We hang out maybe once a week or every other week. We don’t talk unless its to arrange a hangout. He works a lot so I just don’t even try to have a conversation and feeling like a bother.

We recently started staying the night at each other’s houses.

The other night I was over at his house and we were both on our phones and he asked me if I was “texting my other guy friends” and then asked how many other guys I talk to and I did tell him there was one other guy that I Talked to and then he wanted to know about the guy.

Why is this?

Is he starting to get feelings and maybe he’s just to afraid to come forward? 🤔