Sometimes I just need to hear it.


I just became a new mommy to twin girls. Let me see how many women understand what I feel. My husband works his ass off from home. Every day all day. He's a great dad and he's fantastic at his job. I have postpartum Anxiety and depression and this stuff is hard for me to talk about because even admitting that makes me feel weak and like people see me as unstable. But from morning until 7 pm, I'm doing it alone and it's HARD. Times 2! See, I'm terrified of becoming my mother. Terrified. And I try so hard to give my girls the absolute best of me. Now, I know I'm a good mom. I know I'm doing a great job. But sometimes I just need to hear it. I need to feel appreciated and sometimes mama just needs a little lovin' if you're picking up what I'm putting down. It'd be nice to hear a thank you or "you're a really good mom" or " you're not your mother" " you're not weak. I'm here. You'll get through this" "you're doing a great job". It's hard to feel like I'm not being taken for granted when I try so hard and I bust my ass everyday. Now, right now, I'm not bringing in any money because for one I'm not 6 weeks pp yet and for two, I don't have a babysitter and with the virus, leaving them with anyone makes me very very nervous. I understand that he works and he's bringing in all the money. But I work too. Every single day I work. Hard physical work. Like last night, I try to let him sleep if he doesn't wake up because he works all day and needs to focus. Sometimes a woman just wants to , after a long day of taking care of two and writing down how many diaper changes, what time I change them, if it was pee or poop, what kind of poop, what time I fed them, how much they eat, tummy time , how long they did it, if I gave them nose spray or if I sucked out their nose, if I gave them gripe water, what their temperature is that day, and more, after all that, sometimes I just want to be laid down and feel wanted you know. I feel bad because I feel like I may be asking too much or overreacting. Tell me I'm not alone. Please. He's a great husband and an even better father. I just need to feel like I'm doing something right when I feel like I can't