Numbers dropping at 36 weeks


My blood sugar readings are consistently dropping now that I've hit 36 weeks. I was averaging 90-96 for fasting and 120-130 for one hour after meals. Had a couple spikes here and there that leveled off by hour two. So I haven't been on meds. Did a growth scan two weeks ago and the baby was measuring in the 65th percentile. Did an NST the same day and she passed. Did a biophysical profile last week and she got a perfect score. Now this week my numbers are strangely low with no changes to my diet or (lack of) exercise. Today I've had my lowest day ever with a fasting in the low 80s and a 96 just now, one hour after dinner. Is this normal? I've started to freak myself out reading about failing placentas. I still feel the baby moving throughout the day, they're just smaller and not as dramatic of movements. If I get worried, I'll lay on my left side and focus and I usually get 10 movements within 30 minutes. I see my OB tomorrow morning anyway (I have weekly appointments now) but now I'm freaking out about my low numbers.