Afraid of giving birth 😔

I just had my son last year and it was actually worse than I expected. From start to finish and months later I will say it was the worst experience of my life (pain wise) and I actually tried everything to be extra cautious after because I told myself I could never go through that again...

Well I’m due this December and although I’m excited for the beautiful gift of life, I’m am not only dreading the experience of birth again but I’m actually starting to have an overwhelming sense of fear about dying during delivery.

I know that it does happen and I just want some reassurance from you ladies...

if you’ve had more than one baby, what was your experience? Was each one worse? Were there more complications each time?

I would hate to ask, but I genuinely want to know... What are reasons why a mother could possibly die during labor? I know it’s a very sensitive subject and I do apologize if it is triggering 💔