TTC after Chemical + Marraige. Please help

Hi guys long story short my bf and I were not trying (I am on the pill) and we had a chemical pregnancy. When we saw the positive test his first words were “Well let’s get married”. I kinda took this as a spur of the moment proposal in my emotional state

We have been dating a year and I have been ready to marry him since two months in. We truly have a healthy amazing relationship and we are 27 and 36 years old.

After I lost the pregnancy I brought up marriage and he said “let’s plan it out when the time is right and everything is stable...probably in a year maybe more”

I was very upset because I kinda got excited about a baby and marriage and I feel like it was taken away from me. Knowing marriage is a year or more away makes me afraid ttc will be hard due to decreased fertility.

Any tips on how to bring it up again?
