Thyroid removal advice please

Hi I’m 26 and getting my Thyroid removed next week and I’m so anxious about surgery that I’m considering canceling it.

So for back story I just had a baby 6 weeks early in March which included a nicu stay. But early in the pregnancy I was really sick and that’s when we found out I was hyper thyroid and probably have been my whole life which is why I have always felt pretty sick for a while now. Well this led to a thyroid ultrasound and finding nodules.

About a month ago I had another ultrasound and now that the baby was here I was able to do biopsy on the nodule. Well it turns out the the left side was more cystic but now there was something more concerning on the right side of my thyroid. The left measuring over 3 cm and I can’t remember the measurements for the right. The left side was attempted drainage but the fluid was so thick they couldn’t get anything out. The right side nodule was hard to access. Anyway the biopsy’s came back non diagnostic which means they don’t know what the hell it is unless they go in there. Given some family history of cancer and Graves’ disease and whatever else, I have a slight increased chance of it being cancer but there’s no way to tell because they can’t get a proper biopsy on either nodule. So what I can do is go for fine needle biopsy and ultrasounds every six months and wait until things progress or have my thyroid removed now.

Well, I opted to have it now but I am panicking. My hormones and life are all over the place from having a baby and then having her in the nicu for a very long time during a pandemic. so I have not lost my packed on pounds of baby weight and have been struggling to lose any weight because I really feel like garbage still because things are out of wack, Heart palpitations, borderline blood work results, extremely tired, neck soreness every since the biopsy. It’s not a fun time for me

Or my kids when I feel this crappy and I know I have to do something, I’m also iron deficient and was getting iv infusions during pregnancy.

ANYway, lol I am so scared about surgery. I don’t want to gain even more weight after having the thyroid out and going in medication, I’m already struggling enough with my weight. The surgical complications are kind of scary, never mind the fact that they are cutting my neck open. What was everyone’s experience that had this surgery that started off with hyperthyroidism? I still feel in the back of my head waiting for things to progress and get worse isn’t beneficial to me or my family but god I don’t want to be so overweight after this or not have a voice or things to just be worse. I am so anxious 😟