Toddler biting.

So my SIL text me this morning apparently last night when she stripped off her 2year old he had two bite marks on his shoulders that my 2year old has given him.

I’m so upset, he knows biting is not aloud, he’s clearly done this while no one is watching and since we were all in the room with them 95% of time that didn’t give him a lot of time to do it.

He’s become quite aggressive lately and honestly I don’t know what to do and now she has said it’s better if they don’t see each other for a while so that limits his social circle to 0 because of Covid we had to stop all groups ect and he was fine playing with other before but between not seeing any for the last 4 months and having a new baby sister so no longer being Center of attention it’s really not had the best effect on him.

I think a lot of the problem is the typical rough housing he does with the adult males in the family which he now thinks is ok to play with everyone.

And the fact that his sister is 3 weeks old and a grumpy baby and it feels like a lot of the time when he wants me to play she just screams or I have to feed her and it sucks, i feel so guilty all the time!

So I’m sitting here feeding my newborn sobbing because I’m so sad that if I can’t get this sorted he’s going to be one lonely little bully with no friends soon.

How do you do this two kid thing without massive amounts of crying??