Immature Eggs - any insight?


My husband and I have been TTC for almost three years. I’ve had 7 IUIs (each looked very promising) and 2 IVFs. The first time we did

<a href="">IVF</a>

I had 8 eggs, all were premature and didn’t make it to a M2. My doctor said that she had never had that happen (she’s been a fertility doctor for over 25 years) and that we would adjust accordingly the next time. Two months later we try again change up the dosage of meds a little, included human growth hormone (HGH) and waited until my follicles were very large. Concerned my eggs would be post mature. Well... that time I had 10 eggs and same thing all were premature. One made it to a M2 but the others never did. And that one too wasn’t able to be fertilized. Due to COVID my doctor wasn’t able to get ahold of her colleagues and I still have no answers. Are my eggs bad? Is this fixable? I’m 36 and have always dreamt of being a mom so this is literally my worst nightmare. Should I give up?