Cancer please pray!


I’m sharing my story mainly because I felt led to share, for continued prayers and for people to stand up and advocate for themselves!

Praying for God to give me and my husband strength, guidance, comfort and patience though this time as we are navigating everything new.

I started taking action on my fertility health after marriage because we wanted children. Started having issues and telling my OB something isn’t right. She didn’t want to listen so on to the next. Months ago, I started having issues with major pain and coming close to passing out, which had me going to multiple doctors. All blood work is normal so I was wondering what’s going on. We had been trying to get pregnant for almost 2 years with 2 early losses back to back, a ruptured ovarian cyst, and fibroids, so we thought. After 3 OBs, talking with a fertility acupuncturist and talking with a fertility specialist, finally someone listened to me and took action. (Advocate for yourselves ladies! Always!!! Don’t ever Stop seeking things out if you think something is wrong.)

My OB and OB Oncologist said what we thought were fibroids, pathology said looks like Cancer. They said it could be wrong because it’s rare for a fibroid to be cancerous. The first thing I asked was can I still get pregnant and have a baby. That was my one and only concern. She said honestly I don’t know yet we need more info and a MRI. Everything I read about on this cancer was a full hysterectomy.

I’m devastated, heartbroken, I’m mad it’s not somewhere else in/on my body, I’m angry that doctors didn’t listen to me when I told them and knew that there was something wrong. They kept giving me excuses on why I’m having the issues I had. I’m scared, and I’m so very sad. I’m sad that I might never get to have, or carry a child. The one thing I am not, is angry at God.

When someone gets cancer, you think there is things you can do to help like homeopathic, chemo or radiation to try to maybe at least slow it down or cure it. Check back in a couple months and see if anything has changed. It’s what I thought at least. This cancer doesn’t react to chemo or radiation. I have to have surgery. It’s not just maybe the cancer. It’s maybe the cancer and maybe not ever carrying or having a baby, on top of a full hysterectomy and being on hormones the rest of my life. Im crushed with the waiting and the unknown.

Well I started praying of course and having all my prayer warriors start praying for something good and not the worst possible outcome.

It has been confirmed through many tests, MRI’s, appts, and a board of other doctors that I do have cancer. Tears flowed and my heart sank.

It’s low grade endometrial stromal sarcoma. It’s very rare 6 in 1 million women get it and its usually diagnosed at the age of 51. It’s not typically found in someone as young as me.

Many of you know I was on a journey to start a family. Well, this has complicated things as the tumor must be removed. I’ll have an appointment set up soon with a oncologist fertility specialist to talk about preserving my eggs and will know more after.

I will have to have major surgery with a c-section incision. The doctors are hopeful they can save most of my uterus and tubes while removing the tumor. We are hoping to start the

<a href="">IVF</a>

journey to have a child to speed things along because either way I will need a hysterectomy. If she can’t get it all out unfortunately, I must have a full hysterectomy. Lots of decisions to be made and many many days ahead of unknowns.

Prayers have been answered already!Thank you Father! I’m not going to surgery this week. I have options! I know God is in control! This is no shock to Him. I am praising God there is hope and a chance that my eggs can be retrieved. Praising God that the cancer hasn’t spread anywhere else and it’s contained. Praying the tumor shrinks between now and surgery to make it easier for her to remove it all.

God tells us to ask for things we want and he will give us the desires of our heart. This has been a huge desire of my heart to carry and have a baby.

Delight yourself in the LORD; And He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalms 34:4

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11

We are asking for continued prayers still. We are so very thankful to have such a huge support system the last few months, now, and in the days ahead.

Update: Please continue to pray. Egg retrieval went so very smoothly. We have 2 embryos. I go into surgery this week on Thursday the 27th. Praying my uterus can be saved!

I’m overwhelmed with unexpected financials and a friend of mine started a go fund me page for me. Praying for needs to be met!