Anxiety about my pregnancy


Long story short, in 2018 I had a missed miscarriage at 10 weeks. Before then I had problems with a subchorionic hemorrhage and my HcG levels were not doubling every 2 days. The docs new something just wasn’t right. But for some reason at 6weeks 6days they had found the babies heartbeat and it was healthy! So I was sooo very excited. We started to make plans. Well just a few short weeks later I started to miscarry. I am now pregnant with my rainbow baby, fingers crossed!!!🤗 but my anxiety is getting the best of me. I should be so happy and excited but I just haven’t been. I am constantly worrying about whether this will be my time or not. I go today for my 1st blood draw to check the levels of Hcg and progesterone. I could use alot of prayers and good vibes that we get a good result!!🙌🏼