Second miscarriage


Hi my name is Savannah. I’m 18 and have now suffered two miscarriages🥺 the first pregnancy I didn’t even know I was pregnant i found out that I was pregnant and miscarrying all at once before heading to school. I was so devastated and In shock. I never got help and basically had to keep it my little secret which meant I couldn’t talk to anyone about it. I moved in with my boyfriend after graduating so we started to try again it took 9 months to get pregnant again everything seemed smooth and good even got to see the baby and heart beat! But at 7 weeks I started having bleeding and I was told I have subchorionic hematomas but nothing looked dangerous for baby 4 days later went in and was looking at the ultrasound and there was nothing I was hurt but felt ok weeks went by like that and now to see friends and family post their babies is tearing me apart.