MIL Babysitting blow off

MIL has approached me to settle for a day she can watch my 1yr old. So we did for Tuesdays. She gets to have her from 2pm-5pm. The week we were supposed to start was off because she said the uncle - who lives beside her might have measles so it was fine. The week after that it worked out but called me to pick her up because she just got guests.

Yesterday she tells me, she won't be able to at 2pm because she has to babysit for her daughter since she's got a doctor's appointment today. I should leave my baby with the aunt and she'll get her from there and drop her off. I don't mind the aunt but today wasn't her day. I told her that's fine for now but I will need to know if I can rely on her so I can tell my boss the days I can work and Tuesday will be one of them afterall she suggested it anyway.

So, I'm going to pick my girl up from the aunt because my MIL hasn't showed up! She hasn't even called to say she's not coming. I'm pissed off right now because it seems like she's putting her daughter's arrangements first instead of her granddaughter. I'm really close to calling it off because it seems like despite knowning she just blowing it off for last minute arrangements.

So how should I handle this? Give it one more try or just call it off?

She's a great MIL no doubt but her priorities is pissing me off