The Other Women

My BF & I have been together 5 months now. I've never had a reason not to trust him. I've never been the type to snoop through phones. I felt safe with him 100%.

(To keep this short)

He met my mother & my aunt yesterday evening. While showing off pictures of his children, I was looking at a picture of his 9 year old daughter (recent pic sent from mom) and this unsaved number sent him a text asking "Have you found a friend with benefits yet?" I politely asked him to meet me in my bedroom. Closed the door and I asked him to unlock his phone because by this time the screen timed out and turned off. He did. I went to his settings disabled his security so that I see the messages without the phone locking and I SEE SEVERAL CHAINS ON MESSAGES TO OTHER WOMEN!! I scanned through at least 5 conversations but it looks like there were A LOTTTTTTTT more. Sending explicit messages back and forth and when I finally asked (after about 10 minutes of silence to make sure I knew what I saw before speaking on it) I handed him back in phone and in tears asked him "what the fuck are these?" As I'm looking from the phone I see that he has his arms folded, leg is shaking, sweating, and he looks nervous but blankly staring at me. He didn't reach to grab his phone so I placed it in his lap. He said it was just casual conversations, he never slept with them, they don't know where he lives, and had to the nerve to ask me "So now I can't have female friends?" I told him "😡Don't flip this on me. I never said anything like that but friends don't talk to friends like that or send nudes!!!!!" He then started saying "I thought you weren't the jealous or insecure type." I said "I'm not and you know that but the shit in your phone IS NOT CASUAL conversation." By this time my mom is yelling for me to come out of my room to tell that she's about to leave (I live 6 hours away and she came down to visit). I told her okay and upon walking back in the bedroom, he standing up, pacing the floor, and he says "You are right. I should have never been in contact with those women. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have called you jealous or insecure, that wasn't right for me to say. I will cut off all communication with them. I'm sorry."

After that he left to go home.

I didn't sleep well and feel sick to my stomach. He surprised me with ring shopping on Saturday and now this?!

I feel like I can't think logically right now because I'm so mad.

I trust that he didn't sleep with these women or has seen them. He met them online but he broke my trust!

Not sure we can move past this