Update on my surrogacy journey


I’m not sure if everyone remembers my post about my journey through surrogacy. So after doing egg retrieval and getting 4 healthy embryos , we have officially started it all.

We got the financing which was $130k. We signed with an agency after finding someone who is thankfully SUPER close! About a 45 min drive. She’ll be coming down into town for the dr apts and able to sue my dr if we can get her on KAISER insurance. Which makes me feel so much better.

She’s so nice and we’ve been talking so much the last week. We’re both super excited to get this all started. We’re actually meeting in person tomorrow for lunch in the park 😊

I can’t wait to update everyone once everything is final and ready to transfer!! 💜💜

Thank you for the support everyone has given me on this app. I truly appreciate it.