How should I approach this??

Hi all,

So I'm having an issue with my fiance and I'm not really sure how to address it differently than I already have. We have 2 kids, a 3yo and an almost 11 month old. I have really bad PPD/PPA and it shows by me always wanting to be by the baby. We have couples counselling sessions because of things that have happened in the past, and he brought up that he feels like he doesn't get to spend time with the baby. This is when I got help from my doctor and my own therapist with the PPD/PPA (baby was around 7 months).

The issue is that he doesn't want the baby when he's tired or grumpy, only when he's in a good mood. But then he'll turn around and say that he doesn't take him when he's upset because the baby only responds to me. I have tried to explain that he calms down with me because I ALWAYS have to be the one to calm him down.

Even if I'm not in the house or in the room, he'll call or text me and say the baby is awake, or that he's freaking out. The most common situation is that the baby is awake and I'm still downstairs (night owl) and I'll come upstairs and see my fiance hasn't even gotten out of bed to attempt to soothe the baby.

I'm just getting fed up with the fact that he says in our sessions that I don't let him take the baby but in reality there's plenty of times for him to, and he chooses not to take them.

What can I say or do at this point to help him realize what he's doing?? I need a break, especially now with both children being home 24/7 with me and him working.