BFP after failed IVF and 2 years trying!


I can't believe it. We had come to the understanding that children just might not be in the cards for us. My husband lost his sperm after chemo, we did three rounds of <a href="">IVF</a> in 2019 with no BFP, despite everything looking great. In 2020 we took time off due to the pandemic shutting everything down.

And then my period was late. I'm not 100% regular, and although I had symptoms, I refused to have hope. Four days after my missed period, I took these. I was in so much shock that I didn't realize the pink dye was not a light positive, but the control line was almost gone! 🤣

I've read so many announcements saying "I never thought it would happen, don't give up."... and still thought it would never be me. Here is to everyone who struggled to get to their BFP! It's pretty amazing when it happens!! 😍