metformin making things worse?!


this post will be long, and ask questions so i beg of people in similar boats as me to help me out with some answers:

I’ve been taking metformin for over a year for pcos. i considering myself to be of average weight, definitely not overweight. my obgyn slapped the metformin band-aid on my ovaries at my first appointment last june and has barely looked at me since. I have been using ovusense to track ovulation. From November of 2019 to JUNE of 2020, i did not ovulate or have a natural period.

backtrack to when i started metformin, i had, 3 periods all about 6 weeks apart, but unsure or if i ovulated, then they stopped. we’ve already upped my dose and nothing. Long story short I stopped taking metformin for 3 weeks because I was getting married and was tired of the constant side effects. I ovulated naturally at the beginning of june!! about 2 weeks after taking myself off of metformin. I have since started taking it again and ovulation is no where in sight.

Does anyone think this was just a coincidence? Is the metformin lowing my blood sugar so much it’s messing things up instead of helping? what do you guys advise me to do?

Thank you so much

(cross posted)