Adult Braces


Curious to hear from anyone that has done braces as an adult.

I had braces as a teenager for almost 2 years. I have a permanent retainer on the bottom, but my top was removable and after a couple of years my dumb ass self started pulling my retainer out in my sleep. Most of my top teeth have shifted a little and 3 have rotated at the front. It’s not terrible, but it’s always bugged me.

I just switched dentists and my new dentist is also an orthodontist so at my first cleaning they gave me a quote to fix my top teeth which I feel is reasonable.

I would love to do it, but I just had a baby and I worry about him bumping the brackets and whatnot. I also worry that if I wait until my kids are grown I’ll never do it. Is it worth it? Is it as painful as it was when I was a kid?? Any insight would be helpful! Thank you!