Need help or advice ASAP !!

Jay • Angel Baby 31/10/18 👼🏻 Rainbow Baby due 15/10/19 🌈 🇨🇦 gave birth to Rainbow on 24/10/2019 at 5:55am !

1) Our daughter decided to start waking every 2 hours during night. She goes down by 7:30-8 then up at 10, 12, 2, 4 for an hour, then 6 or 7 for the day. I just went back to work a month ago full time and my husband is a full time officer. We both need our sleep. She was such an amazing sleeper till about 6 months. But once she turned 9 months it all changed !!

2) screaming !! How do I get her to stop ? She is screaming at the top of her lungs for no reason at all. She is not teething, not sick, no health issues. She’s just screaming !!! Does not want a bottle, or teddy, or soother, or anything. I am about to go deaf. How do I fix this ???

I am on vacation in BC, but honestly it did not feel like one 😭😭😭😭