Why are some men like this??

I’ve been texting this one guy on and off for about 3 weeks now. We met on an app (keep in mind my name is on my profile) and it was fine & we switched over to texting . I’m 24 and he’s 35 for reference. So the texting was fine but I just lost interest after like 2 days because he was texting so damn dry . I started to ignore him but he’d still keep writing me “good morning” or “ 😩” . So I’d respond and attempt to hold a convo . Here he goes doing some bull like responding w: a dry ass “lol” or asking if I’m free to talk on the phone , then call 30+ minutes later 😒😒. The last 2-3 days he’s been fine I guess and & today he asks me again to take me out . Y’all ... I finally said yes & then this happens

He then calls me and basically reiterated this text & I said “well this also means you don’t even have my number saved” he goes “well yeah because u wasn’t fucking with me like that” . I’m like “okay but I at least know YOUR name” . Like I’m just so fucking turned off and over it . If you were smart you would’ve went back into the app and looked !!! Jesus take the wheel chile. Then he gone say he’s autistic!! I’m like u mean ... dyslexic?? How u making up fake disabilities and u can’t even get the shit right . You’re too old to be this fucking dumb .

“I can’t stop thinking about you”

“I want to grow with you”

“I like you”

“When can I take you out”

Whole time u didn’t even put the energy into remembering my name. Y’all , my name is short ! Similar to a “Sam” like how hard is it to remember Sam ?? I swear the older men I’ve entertained are more full of s*** than guys my age 🙄