Severe Morning Sickness while moving around

Karissa • 💍 11/12/16 , 💗 5/19/18, 💗 3/11/21, 💗 6/29/23

So I am 7weeks 5 days pregnant and I’ve had severe morning sickness since about 6 weeks. I had it with my last pregnancy a few years ago but this seems different. My nausea/vomiting gets worse with movement. I stock groceries so I move all day. I’ve had to leave work twice this week. I was prescribed zofran and it seems to help a little but not enough. My dr told me I could try Dramamine but that doesn’t seem to help either. Any other recommendations? Has anyone else experienced this? Also I am fine in the car so the motion in the car doesn’t bother me, just actual walking around and stuff.