Mom Hero


I know it is a luxury and a privilege not all new moms get to have but in my case my mom has been very present these first weeks of my daughters life.

She shows up at 7 am to give me a morning cat nap almost every day of the week. She shows up like an angel from heaven, scoops up my babe, takes her downstairs to the living room and rocks her and gives her a bottle.

When I wake up and head downstairs I breastfeed and my mom takes her again and gives me another hour to do whatever makes me feel sane, usually that’s a nice shower.

I can’t express how much she has helped me and I feel so so lucky to have her presence. I try my best to show her what she means to me right now because in the beginning I was very nearly going into full PPD.

If that wasn’t enough today she had this waiting for me. Flowers and a caprese salad 😭 I guess you never stop taking care of your babies.

I don’t deserve her.