Giving advice

So I have one friend the blue that her bf is texting other girls they just lived in together n he’s leaving her home alone to go party n stuff n then I have another friend the red who’s still heartbroken over his ex and was on live crying drunk..

I texted them both. I love giving my time to talk to people but I never have anyone who will talk to me... I feel alone in this world I have my baby friends and family but still feel alone. My friend and uncle both died this year everything’s been going wrong but I still have faith in God and know he will make everything okay.. I’ve been doing bad doing drugs and just partying every night but out of nowhere I just got this urge to get Jesus back into my life and to do better for me and for my daughter and for my family.. it’s really hard leaving everything but itsbeen a month since the last time I’ve drank and almost 2 weeks since the last time I’ve smoked.! I’m not there yet but I’ll get there. I feel depressed almost everyday but I’m trying really hard to change and be happy. To anyone out there feeling depressed just know that things will get better and after a storm the sun always shines. 🥺💗💗💗 Lol I always tell everyone that.