Those Covid Pregnancy Announcements 😒😑


**photo is NOT MINE. It’s just literally what my feed is full of + these covid pregnancy memes are not funny at all**

Please no harsh comments. Right now I feel like I can’t speak to anyone about TTC bc everyone I know is pregnant. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I’m seeing more and more these covid BFP announcements & I swear I’m beating myself over it.

Never thought of having babies til I hit 34.

I helped my mom, a single mother of 7 daughters raise the youngest.

Doing so made me not want kids. I had “raised” my kids so to speak. I wasn’t raise to show emotions or affections as the 2nd mother

Then I meet my now fiancé. Been together 4 years, engaged a month ago on our anniversary.

However our TTC journey has not been the best. Chemical in February. And lymph nodes flaring up/tender/painful; no answers from GYN. Seeking another consult with an OBGYN/specialist soon.

Seeing these covid pregnancy announcements have me all happy but deep down heartbroken😔

Feel like they’re a slap in the face. I get it, my journey isn’t as long as other woman but when I was told about the grieving steps to TTC; man they were right.

-happy, anger, jealousy 🙋🏻‍♀️

Coworker pregnant without even trying w ex husband

21 yr old half sister on a party cruise finds out she’s pregnant and acts like her baby is this cool gadget that’s trending

My close friend is pregnant and I’m so so happy for her but jealousy is a little green monster 😬

Welcoming 35 years soon. And I’m hoping to find out what’s triggering these lymph nodes and bleedings 🤷🏻‍♀️