dae worry about pregnancy and infertility?

I am 19, in a what I would consider committed relationship, and sexually active. I am in no way fit to get pregnant anytime soon and I’m on birth control. However, I can’t help but worry about getting pregnant every time I have sex even though I know the chances are like 1%. Another part of me worries that when I do try to get pregnant I will be unable to. I also worry that if I can’t get pregnant then my significant other will leave me. I know that there’s no way to really find out until I try. I’ve talked about this to friends and they all tell me there’s other options if it does end up that way. I know there are other options but being adopted myself, part of me just really wants to have a biological child of my own and I worry I won’t be able to. Does anyone else experience this? I don’t know why I worry so much about it.