Not important enough

18 weeks pregnant and work night shift. Got off today and started cleaning my apartment. Also have a 1 yr old. My husband washes some dishes. Me? Clean the bathroom put up laundry, clean out 1 yr olds closet to make room for new clothes and his brothers clothes, take care of said 1 yr old, take out trash put fresh liners in trash can and clean microwave. Did most of the housework earlier this week. Well my husband gets done washing dishes and goes to our bedroom. I think hes taking a break next thing I hear? Snoring. He sleeps for 5 hrs and wakes up. Well I think I can sleep now. Shift change, you know? Nope hes getting ready to go out. Go out where? To get himself some food he says. (I made myself something from a can earlier because I was hungry and couldn't wait. I suggest this. Nope won't due.) So I ask what about me? I said Im pregnant I need some sleep. Well he comes back with Congratulations I'm going to get me something to eat amd leaves me with our crying 1 yr old. I dont think this marriage is going to last long honestly. I seriously feel like when I go into labor not telling him and just going. This isn't the first time he has been inconsiderate of me while pregnant. When I was pregnant with our 1 yr old he complained about me sleeping a lot. I was exhausted worked 40 hrs a week like I do now. I also cooked and cleaned so wasn't like he was missing out on anything. Well then I was lazy now he says I'm inconsiderate of him and his needs. I've been up for over 24 hrs and need some sleep because my body is literally nourishing another living and growing being. Yes I have tried to talk to him. Does it work? Nope hes spoiled. This is our 2nd child together and his 4th child altogether. It will be our last I can guarantee that. Im done with being put down about child bearing and labor. He tells everybody we meet almost "Hey wanna hear something funny? She pooped during labor." Gee thanks my feelings don't matter. But what hurts most is that he doesnt consider that my sleep deprivation may have consequences on our child. I asked around today if someone could watch the 1 yr old while I got a nap but the only one available is my little sister and she just got a job so yeah. Yay me. 36 and he acts like a teenager with no responsibilities. He works yeah but after that its usually sleep and eat. I was "blessed" today with him doing the dishes. Hes always the one who is more exhausted. The other day he changed 1 diaper. He has fed our 1 yr old 1 time this week.... When I met him he was this awesome guy who was super organized, worked, always talked about his kids. Seemed to be the ideal man. Whats that they say about talk? Oh yeah, its cheap. Well lesson learned. Anybody reading this who may be single or single with no kids be cautious of everyone! If this doesn't work out if there is a next time they are going to have to put their money where their mouth is, talk the talk and walk the walk. But if its the end there probably isn't a next time I'm just done with all this can't get hurt or treated like I don't matter if im not putting myself out there. Not throwing a pitty party just getting this off my chest.