Need advice

So I meet this guy almost a yr and a half ago and we hit it off very fast and we started hanging at my my place . We never went on dates or anything but I stared to have feelings for him . We liked to stay in order food and watch movies and he sleeps over once a week always on the weekends. I lost my virginity to him and I began falling in love with him . When school in session his excuse to not seeing me was that he was busy with school and he could only see me on this own term , fast forward to summer he now said that he can only see me during the weekends because he is busy working , he comes back from work at five pm and dose not go back in till ten ( I think he has a lot of time ) . He like to eat get high and when he dose I can’t touch touch or try to romantic with him because all he wants to do is eat , sleep and be on his phone. When he comes to see me in general 40% of his time he is on his phone getting on reddit and the other time we are having sex , talking , cuddling and having a great time together. Couples months back on my birthday I ask him why he doesn’t wanna date me and he said he wasn’t ready and just wanted to spend time with me and he loves having me his life . I gave him three weeks to make a decision and he didn’t so o cut him off for about a month , I was so heart broken and said because I feel in love with him . So how he snuck back into my life , took me on our only date ever till now and he came back to my place and we had sex , we began the process of sleeping with each other and hanging with each other c( only on his time and on the weekends) he started showing more affections to me telling me am beautiful and am sexy and he has been waiting all week to see me . So one day after sex he was on his phone and I asked him if he seeing someone else and he told me no that it’s only me ,I asked him why doesn’t he wanna date me officially and he said it was complicated and I keep pestering him to tell me why it was complicated and he eventually raised his voice at me and told me to stop asking .so I got off him and turned over crying, when he realized that I was crying he said he was sorry , turned me over and kissed my head saying that I am. Beautiful ,smart ,sexy , kind and all those sweet words and that he is the one that is messed up and he doesn’t wanna start something until he is ready and he doesn’t wanna hurt be knowing how messed up he is . I forgave him and we began our regular routine Lately I have been thinking about it and during the week I am the one to text 1st and if I don’t he won’t text me unless he is trying to come over ( I texted him on Monday and he didn’t reply till Wednesday because he was going through somestuff) on Friday he asked to come visit and I told him sure and he never showed up or texted me to let me know he wasn’t coming . Last week he slept over on Friday and promised to come over on Saturday and he didn’t come or text his excuse was that he fell asleep, he calls me a sex addict it because I want to go more than two rounds in a night . My friends know about him as have met him and am sure his friends don’t know I exist . I really love this guy and I want to keep him ,what should I do , do you think I have a chance with him , Is he using me . Example of out texts below .i alway say I miss you 1st