How do I tell my mum about a boy?!

So I’ve started talking to a guy recently, I’ve never had a boyfriend before but I’m nearly 19. We haven’t seen eachother properly yet due to covid but I know as soon as we are able to we will, I have a feeling this guy could very well be my very first boyfriend soon! He treats me so nicely and is so respectful, really like eachother but he is about 7 years older than me and is definitely not the typical guy I would go for, or the guy my parents would choose for me, nothing major but just little things I know they won’t love! They aren’t judgy people and I’m sure things will be fine once they get to know him but I’m just worried about telling my mom and how she might react! I’ve jokingly mentioned it to her the other day that my friend was trying to hook me up with this guy and she laughed and said ‘hahaha no way’ 🤦🏼‍♀️

Just looking for advice on how to tell her and try to keep things calm, and also not awkward because I know things will be very awkward. We are super close but never talk about boys/relationships at all 😬 It’s starting to stress me out a lot because this boy and I text constantly and she’s probably going to realise soon, also don’t like feeling like I’m hiding something from her and sneaking around because it doesn’t feel right even though I know

I’m not doing anything wrong!! Just scared as I know how awkward it will be 😭