My son Jamison gave my life purpose


July 1st, Wednesday night I thought my water had broke so my fiancé and I went into the hospital and they checked and my water didn’t break so we got sent home and I went to bed. A couple hours later I woke up and was walking to the washroom when my water actually broke and it was quite obvious this time so we went back in and I was admitted and then by Thursday morning I was still only 1 cm dilated so they induced me (I had gotten two sweeps done prior to my water breaking), I was getting contractions but they weren’t painful just uncomfortable. By Friday morning my contractions had stopped so they induced me again and then by noon my contractions became intense. That evening around 9 they checked how dilated I was and I was only 3.5cm and my contractions were every two and a half to three minutes, I was so tired and uncomfortable and they couldn’t give me an epidural yet because I wasn’t 4cm. They offered me morphine and even though I originally didn’t want any other drugs than the epidural I caved. It made me so tired and my fiancé and I played cards to help keep my mind occupied and within the 30seconds it took for him to take him turn I would doze off until I got a contraction again. At 11pm they checked me again and I was barely 4cm so they let me have the epidural and it helped so much and I fell asleep finally. I woke up at 5am to the most intense pain ever in my one side and the epidural had stopped working and I started crying because of how intense the pain was, it took them almost an hour to get the epidural to work again and I was only 6cm dilated. I fell asleep again until about 9 and I woke up in even more pain again but it was in my back too and the epidural stopped working again. They decided to induce me again. They couldn’t get the epidural to work anymore and I was crying and I couldn’t breath and I managed to say to my fiancé that I didn’t want to do this anymore and he knew if I was saying that it was because I wanted to get a c section which I originally didn’t want at first either but I was so done with the pain from not only the labour but the beds were so uncomfortable it was hurting my back and neck so badly and him and I had talked about me possibly wanting a c section the day before. He told the nurse and she ignored the request and then another nurse came later and my SO requested it again but got upset because we had been ignored earlier so she checked me again and I was still only 6cm dilated and I couldn’t breath and I was uncontrollably crying still so they got me prepped to get the c section and after half an hour they took me to the OR and did the procedure. My back was hurting so badly because my baby was face up and the back of his head was pushing Into my spine. At 10:48am, Saturday July 4. 2020 my baby was born weighing 8ibs 5ozs and was 19 3/4” long. When I finally got to hold him I felt so complete and now I feel like my life has an actual purpose and I’m so blessed to be Jamisons mother and Even though the delivery went completely different than how I originally wanted it to, I wouldn’t want it any other way