What do I do??

So I love my husband very much, he can really frustrate me at times because he has some issues like poor executive functioning and anxiety, I am very patient with him tho because I have A.D.D. And so I understand. Plus I’m naturally a very compassionate person. I find that in terms of romance I frequently have to spell things out for him. Sometimes this really bothers me but no ones perfect and even tho I might have to spell things out I know he is the most loyal guy I’ve ever met and I know he loves me very deeply. Anyways, I feel like that preference is important for what I’m about to say...

There’s this guy at work, he’s a total sweetheart and a great co worker. I really enjoy working with him, he has a GF that he’s saving up money to buy a ring for and so I felt like being his friend was safe. But then we had to work directly with eachother for this past week and we’ve gotten to be even better friends which is great, except I feel like he’s starting to catch feelings? And honestly I’m enjoying his company a little too much I think.

I always get obsessive about new friends, it’s a really annoying trait I have that I hide because I know it’s abnormal (for the record been to therapy) I feel like I’m in a danger zone right now, and I’m feeling like I cant trust myself. I don’t know how to get away from this situation. I can’t even tell my husband about it because he won’t handle it well. I can’t quit my job. Like for real we NEED this job. I’m so lost. This is a situation where I cannot cut contact with him due to my job, I don’t know how to work with him less as we are stuck on shift together for the next year. No exceptions. 😟

Please don’t hate on me. I know My husband deserves better than me I tried to make him run away from me while we were dating, I tried to make him understand how broken I was/am, but he loves me too much. which I appreciate and is exactly the reason I don’t want to lose this. I have a family to think about. I know this.

I don’t know why I catch feelings so easily for other people. I still love my husband but I get distracted by male attention and I hate that I’m so easily flattered.

Please help, I’m feeling gross 😞