Just wanted to ask how can I obtain legal guardianship of the said child?

I know CPS tries to keep the child within the family but let’s just say the rights were taken from both parents, and no other family member (if any) would take him, would they even consider me as an option?

There aren’t much requirements to be a permanent legal guardian and I know I can be the great mother that that little boy needs. I just need some more information. I tried speaking to a lawyer online and of course he tried to charge me before starting the conversation (I’m hesitant because I’ve used that site before for something completely different and it was a waste of money).

I know the parents won’t just hand over guardianship but I’m not sure if the abuse is enough to revoke their parenting rights completely. Like I said before, CPS has an interest of keeping families together.

Any information is welcome and appreciated



HAVE COMMENTED: I know the chances are very slim. I also agree that the close proximity to the mother would be a huge problem. Just wanted to get more input. Like I said above, I am scared of taking him from a bad situation and putting him in a worse one. Let’s be really here, not all foster parents are good. Not all of them do it because they love children. On my recent post I told you guys that a friend of mine was taken from her parents and then was raped in foster care. Only to then be given back to her drug addicted mother. They don’t always have the child’s best interest at heart. At least with me, I know for sure he’ll be loved and safe... but I know it’s not up to me. I know they’re probably going to keep giving the mother several chances to better herself and for his sake, of course, I honestly hope she does.