Currently on 1 hour of sleep


Just like so many of you mamas I’m dealing with reflux in my 1 month old . Last night was horrible. Starting after her first night feed at 9pm she kept choking and spitting up in her sleep. Her nose was so congested due to the spit up coming out of it, she could barely breathe she sounded like a pig snorting . I tried a nasal spray to clear out her nose but that didn’t work. She grunted and arched her back and lifted her legs up anytime I put her down in the bassinet. So I did the only thing I could do. I’ve been holding her in my arms since 11pm because that’s the only way she can breathe and doesn’t choke on her spit up. I cried for about and hour between feeling so bad for her and lack of sleep. Having a baby with reflux is so hard to deal with and anyone that is dealing with this I feel your pain. 😭😭😭