My grandma

Long story short.

We were pretty close when I was younger. Now that I’m older and see how she does, not so much. When my aunt went 18 years through infertility, had a miscarriage and then a baby, my grandma was by her side through it all. (Her step- daughter) when I went through to back to back miscarriages, I called her crying, and all she said to me was, “at least it didn’t have a heartbeat.” 😞. I finally had my rainbow baby. He’s 10 weeks old, and my aunts baby is 14 weeks old. She volunteered to help my aunt when her baby was born.... my grandma never offered. When my mom was at the restaurant eating with my grandma, my mom accidentally called herself my cousins grandma, and then my grandma said, “that’s MY grand baby, she’s a grand, not a great grand.” What’s that supposed to even mean? To my grandma, she’s the “miracle baby.” I feel like my son isn’t even a “rainbow baby” to her. Like she doesn’t even acknowledge what I’ve been through. She always wonders why I never send her pics or keep her updated and that’s why...., she does the same thing with my mom too. (She didn’t even help my mom when any of her kids were born) She always wants my mom to buy her food, give her money, etc. My mom has custody of her two grandkids (my sisters kids) and my grandma lives down the street and doesn’t offer to watch them without getting paid and grocery money...

My grandma apparently always been this way. I didn’t ever see it because I was too young.

this is all out there, sorry.

What would y’all do?? Opinions?