Sex drive

So my sex drive has been super high lately, but my boyfriends isn’t. We used to have sex every night before bed or during the day and now we either don’t or maybe once or twice every two weeks. When I want to he doesn’t, and when he wants to I want to too so we have sex.

BUT now even when he wants to I say no because of all the times I want to and he doesn’t. He claims he’s tired from work and I get it but it makes me feel like he doesn’t want me anymore and I feel like maybe he’s just not interested.

He tells me he loves me and that it’s because usually we have sex for 1-2 hours until he finishes so he knows it’s gonna go on for awhile and then ya sleep late but yet he stays up and plays video games or we watch a movie. I don’t like making moves anymore, because im tired of feeling rejected so I don’t know what to do it think..