Giving me a run for my money



My child is doing this already. For the past couple of days she hasn't been moving around as much as she normally does. I've done kick counts but its like once that's over she stops. Well today I haven't felt but maybe 2 movements the whole day. I called my OB and went in. Sitting here now waiting for the doctor to come in and she's turning flips. Why do out children do this 😂 get you all worried and when you get to the Dr show out! Oh well, better safe than sorry

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Posted at
My baby girl does this on Monday’s lol 😂 I’m like baby girl why you hate Monday’s? Already? lol 😂 but she likes to give me a damn heart attack.


Da • Aug 4, 2020
Just shows us, we are in for a ride when they come in the word!


Ginger • Aug 4, 2020
Same here! My baby is usually very active but occasionally has a lazy day, always on a Monday. 😂


Posted at
There is an appt called shell by Bella beat . It’s free and it lets you hear her heartbeat whenever you want . I would do that whenever I felt like baby girl was not being consistent. The sound of her own heartbeat would usually wake her up and she would move . Now I’m 9 months and I cant get her to stop moving lol


Je • Aug 4, 2020
That one's not up there either :( iphones get all the good apps! Lol


Ginger • Aug 4, 2020
Maybe try the app called Tiny Beat? I have an iPhone, but it might be on Android too. By the way, it definitely works. I’ve used it twice during my 3rd trimester. I always start by picking up my own heartbeat first so I know what it sounds like, then move to baby. Definitely very different.


Je • Aug 3, 2020
No worries. Thank you anyway ☺️


Posted at
Mine did the same thing last week. I felt so stupid but my doctor was happy I came in. Definitely better safe than sorry!