Supply decrease


Babe is 6 months and the last week or so I feel like I'm having a decrease in my supply. He has been EBF aside from attempting to start solids (hes not into it yet) and I haven't had any supply issues until now. I particularly feel like he isn't getting more than a couple ounces before bed so I started dream feeding at 10:30 but I just night weaned him 3 weeks ago and I'm bummed that I may have to do it again. I've been drinking as much water as I can, started eating oatmeal again since that helped get my supply up in the first couple months and I also have the upspring lactation support drink mix.

Are any of you ladies experiencing this?

I have held on to the sample formula I was sent so I can start supplementing whenever if needed but I was really trying to breastfeed for at least 9 months. Feeling defeated I guess.