Abusive ex husband

I’ve been married to my ex husband for two years and through all the abuse I finally found the courage to leave. And it was the best choice I could ever make. Little back story. Last year on 4th of July. My ex husband got mad at me because I woke him up and asked for help with my oldest son because he kept kicking me while I was pregnant with our son. Dhs was called and my oldest was taken. A few month later I had my youngest he was taken after birth. My dhs case has been open for a year now. I went through the abuse for 2 years. I tried and tried to leave but I was to scared. He threatened me, by saying if I left he would find me and kill me or make my life living hell. Well flash forward to this day. I left him in January and so far he’s kept his word for once. And is trying to make my life living hell. He called my caseworker and told her that “I was making life threatening threats towards him” when he’s making the threats towards me and my friends. My friends have been so helpful in this time. Never once done anything wrong towards my ex husband. Well he’s trying to do anything and everything he can to make sure I don’t get my kids back from dhs custody. After 2 month of having my son I started having longer and heavier periods. So I go to the dr last month they did very extensive ultrasound of my uterus and everything else. I got a call from my dr office and they said the specialist said I have damage to my reproductive parts that it will be difficult and dangerous for me to have any more kids. If I do get pregnant it will be a high risk pregnancy or I would have many miscarriages. They said it was most likely cause by blunt forced trauma. Because of my ex husband. It may be very difficult for me to have anymore kids. My heart is broken because I’ve always wanted a big family. And now it may be very hard for me to have that.