Nauseous from folic acid?

Hi! I had a baby a year ago and we started trying again after my last period which was the 18th of July 2020. My ob/gyn demanded I'd take folic acid the minute I stopped taking my anticonception.

I have now been feeling nauseous the last three days. It comes up an hour after being awake and taking the folic acid with breakfast and slowly fades out in the afternoon.

Can this be due to the folic acid? Or could I be pregnant already weirdly enough? (Havent tracked the length of my cycle yet so not super sure when I would ovulate but glow says it probably was the 1st of August but I have been nauseous since the 1st of August so not possible...) My boobs feel sore, and my belly aches a bit but I am trying not to focus on that because that could very well be my mind making me think it is the case.

Can taking folic acid, limited to the allowed amount, make you nauseous?