Hubs and I can not get on the same page.

I am not here to talk shit, or rant, or anything of the sorts. This is my husband and WE BOTH just genuinely want second opinions!

Some backstory: we met in high school, our second date we both were very clear about wanting children. (Neither of us like to waste energy on people that don’t align). He went to college and was getting his degree in Software Engineering, and I started getting my degree in education a year later.

His senior year he decided to completely start over and go into medicine. (I am so proud of him for being self aware enough to know he needed a change).

Our plan originally was to start TTC after he graduated with his engineering degree, but now that he is going into medical school, our whole plan is completely thrown off and we can not seem to be in agreement. We both feel sad and hurt, because we ALWAYS reach a conclusion on most topics.

I graduate next summer and start working teaching second grade. my suggestion is to try to have a little one that summer. As both of us will have the energy for a newborn before he goes into med school, and by the time I return to work baby will be 3-4 months! However he wants to wait for year two of his schooling so he can adjust to his new learning environment. As you can see, both are valid arguments. We would love to hear some outside point of views.