Getting rid of our dog 😡


This is how we announced our pregnancy because our dog is our child. ( Pictured below) We want him to be included in EVERYTHING ❤️

So my husband and I bought a mobile home in April ( YAY US 🤗) Before we moved in we let the land owners know that we have a dog.

(We actually had two but they wouldn’t allow us to keep them both. Just keeping one seemed like a problem.)

So we got rid of one of our babies and kept one. When we signed the lease we told the lady that we have a dog, the breed, his name, his weight and so on. She agreed we could keep him just follow these rules.. apparently dogs are only allowed in the park if they are grandfathered in. Crazy thing is almost everyone in the neighborhood has a dog! Anyways, this oday we got a personal visit from one of the owners stating if we dont get rid of the dog in 24 hours we will be evicted. I explained to the lady that the other lady approved our dog. She told us not to write us having a dog on the lease

but said it was ok. We also told her we have a recording of the entire lease signing with her saying it was ok for us to keep the dog. She told us that the recording wouldn’t hold up in court and she is still saying we have 24 hours to get rid of the dog or she is filing papers on us 🙄 Way to not stress this pregnancy 🤦🏿‍♀️

We live in Nc is there anything we can do?