He’s finally here!!!!


Well now that I feel a lot better I can now tell you my birth story 🥰 my son was due July 31st. But since I have been pregnant he never went head down. Week by week I waited and hoped. He was clearly comfy lol. So we scheduled it July 22nd. I was excited and nervous. Finally the day comes we get checked in. I go to the room and they hook me up to everything start an IV. By now I was getting very nervous because this is my first child and it has to be a c section. So they finally bring my husbands gear to get all ready and they have me walk to the surgery room. Check one more time if he was head down but sadly not. Let me tell you now lady’s the only thing that actually “hurt”, was the spinal injection. It felt like a quick wasp sting. They get me all numb and get the catheter ready and finally allow my husband in the room. He is sitting next to me. I started feeling tugs so I asked if they started and they did. I FELT NOTHING!! no pressure or anything. I did cry a little but it was because I was nervous of course. But my handsome man Abel Gene made his smooth arrival at 1:21PM 🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️😍😍😘💙💙💙👶🏻👶🏻 7lbs 8oz 20.8in long ❤️🥰😍😘 QUICKEST surgery ever!! She was in and out in about 40 minutes all together. I would definitely do it again!!! Free

And here is as at 2 weeks only in 45 minutes 🥰🥰

He’s definitely mamas little man ❤️🥰😍😘