A little frazzled 😕


I'm a little frazzled and hoping you ladies can help me figure out what my little one is going through.

She is 3 months old. She has acute brocholitus and is taking an extremely low dose of steroid in nebulizer form and she had blood in her stool so the doctor put her on an antibiotic because the doctor said she could have just a small infection.

I just started giving her the meds on Tuesday evening and she was completely fine.

However today she has been crying all day long and has slept 10 minute naps every 4 hours. She wants me to hold her constantly and wants to chew on my finger and the second I take my finger away she cries very hard. My husband, mother in law and sister in law have all tried to help me hold her and help with her but she cries harder and won't stop until I pick her up and walk with her. She only wants me which I love that so much I am just so exhausted. Please help me figure out what my baby girl could be going through...

I think it could be teething starting but the doctor said that it's not possible and that a baby starts teething after 6 months. (which I know isn't all that true)

It's currently 12 am and this little girl is still half awake and fighting sleep. She is so tired but fights it. Her eyes have been closing but she wakes herself up.