Potty training 💩 🥴


Can anyone suggest anything for this situation? We are following the “Oh, Crap” book for potty training and it’s mostly going really well! We are on day... 9? I think? LO started verbalizing to pee on the first day and we are kicking butt at that. Poop, however... he saves for nap or early morning time. We’ve had one successful poop in the potty (last Wednesday) and three poops in his pants. I know the author says nap time poops will usually work themselves out within a few weeks, so I am trying not to get discouraged. It’s such a big change for him to use the potty so I definitely understand that this part is taking a bit longer to click.

Any thoughts on helping him go in the potty? We went back to naked for a day or two this week, but he just straight up didn’t go for those days 😐 we sit and read books (if I have any inkling they maybe he could go), but beyond that, I’m not sure what else to do!