Am I pregnant?

I fear that I am pregnant and i’m only 14 years old. I had intercourse on July 31 *Friday* , and I know the symptoms but i don’t have nausea, fatigue * I go to sleep late at night and wake up at noon so ik i don’t have that* , i do have a backache currently but i guess that’s the way i lay down, my breast are the sensitive, i haven’t really had any headaches besides that day that i remember *on friday* . mind you that was my second time doing intercourse but we used a condom of course. I just don’t know what to do and my mother or father doesn’t know about any of this. The first time i had intercourse i was nervous a few days after because i thought i was since i had threw up and had a fever, but i guess it was my anxiety and overthinking. do you guys think it could be that again? even though i haven’t thrown up or had a fever?