Not sleeping through the night yet?

Rachael • Momma to Bella Rose ❤️ 7/13/19

Anyone’s LO not sleeping through the night? My LO will be 13 months next week and has yet to stay asleep or put herself back to sleep during the night. She has gotten to the point that she screams (not cries) when she wakes up. We have tried pushing her bedtime up and back (both didn’t really have a difference). Then we tried feeding her dinner later and earlier(again no difference). She is still breastfeeding and guzzles down when I go in to console her. At some points she wakes up every 3 hours (goes to bed around 730 and wakes around 630am so it’s a long night). During 1am-3am is when she is inconsolable and it’s hard to put her back down. Any tips? I wouldn’t mind waking just once during the night, so anything helps!